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½ teaspoon honey

Juice from a lime

½ tablespoon olive oil

Ground pepper

Pinch of cayenne

1 cup of watermelon cubed into bite-sized pieces

1 cup of Persian cucumber cubed into bite-sized pieces

Handful fresh mint leaves, chopped

Handful fresh basil leaves, chopped

1/4 cup feta cheese

Watermelon Feta Salad Black Truffle SYDPLAYEAT Recipe


Add the watermelon, cucumbers and herbs into a large mixing bowl and toss until evenly mixed. Add feta cheese and toss again.

Watermelon Feta Salad Black Truffle SYDPLAYEAT Recipe

Step 2

To make the dressing, whisk together the honey, lime juice, SydSalt, SydSauce, ground pepper and cayenne. While whisking, pour in the olive oil so that it emulsifies completely. Use a mason jar and shake it all together as another option. Taste the dressing and adjust to your liking.

Watermelon Feta Salad Black Truffle SYDPLAYEAT Recipe

Step 3

Add half the dressing to the salad, toss, and taste. Add additional dressing to your liking, serve and enjoy!

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